IBI 2010 took place over 4 days with numerous oral and poster presentations. The final conference agenda is linked below and they will will be uploading all presentations as they are received.
It covers the basic carbon cycle, biochar's agricultural use, interaction with nutrients and microbes, reversing fossil fuel use, appropriate sources of renewable biomass.. my sources of information are, basically, this mailing list, and my own experiences making and using biochar.
MAKING BIOCHAR: with Peter Hirst of New England Biochar
Many thanks to George Packard of Parrot Creek Productions, Warner, New Hampshire for some really fine work. This is the short version of greater works in progress. Very well done by George and much appreciated.
How to Make Charcoal
Robert Flanagan, SAFFE, January 30, 2008
I've just been playing around with my natural draft stove to see how easy it would be to use it for cooking and making charcoal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5OAkmum7gU&feature=channel_page .
I fed some extra fuel in the side so show the pyrolysis reaction taking place.