Black is Green (BiGchar)

The Soil Fertility Project is an interesting project that attempts to use biochar to address soil fertility and climate change both in Wales in weed eradication projects.

In the Indian project ( The participants started by using the Anila stove to product biochar, but found that it was unworkable. Now they are using a digestor to process wet waste, get some energy, and use the slurry for fertilizer. They are also using a small BiG Char unit to process green waste into biochar.


James Joyce, June 2010

Mackay-based company, Black is Green, was named a finalist in the Innovation in ClimateSmart

Technologies category of the Queensland ClimateSmart Sustainability Awards, at the awards ceremony on Friday night in Brisbane.

On the eve of World Environment Day, the recognition was for BiGBuy Kicks | Air Jordan


Commercial production of charcoal from greenwaste using BigChar technology
Presentation by
James Joyce, Black is Green Pty Ltd, Australia, March 27, 2010

About BiG

Background to BiG and BiGchar

Features and Benefits of the technology

- Fast Rotary Hearth Capabilities and Features:
1. Designed specifically for biochar production from latest jordan Sneakers | Nike Little Posite Pro USA CZ2520-600 Release Date - SBD

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