Renewable Carbon Referencess
Post date:
Thursday, January 25, 2007 - 9:22am
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- Low Cost Charcoal Without Wood, (From Sugar Cane Leaf), Appropriate Rural Technology Institute [ARTI], Pune, India, AD Karve
- CANECOAL, Charcoal from Sugar Cane Bagasse in Western Kenya, Elsen Karstad May 2003
- Wood Energy Conversion: Charcoal Production FAO RWEDP
- How to Make Charcoal at Home Dan Gill
- Charcoal (Chapter 3) USDA Forest Service
- Charcoal Production US EPA
- Making Charcoal a Startup Business Opportunity
- Chardust, Ltd., Nairobi, Kenya, Matthew Owen, Elsen Karstad
- Bioenergy Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia, Yury Yudkevitch (In Russian)
- Biocarbon Initiative GRAN CHACO, Argentina
- ICPS Improved Charcoal Production System, Chris Adam, Adam + Partner, Germany 2005
- Simple Technologies for Charcoal Making, FAO Forestry Paper 41, 1987
- Charcoal Production Kiln/Retort Rictec
- The NEW PDI- Family Cooker (Pakistan Design Institute -Family Cooker), Chris Adam, May 2005
- Sazawa Charcoal Stove Designed for Efficient Use of Charcoal C. Pesambili, F. Magessa and N. Mwakabuta, Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organization (TaTEDO) Dar Es Salaam 2003
- Biomass Cooking Stoves Stoves List Web page
- Pyromid Cooking Stoves Paul Hait
- In Pictures: Charcoal in Chad, BBC News UK, Richard Stanley February 2006
- Turning Sawdust to Charcoal in Malaysia Auke Koopman
- The Making of Charcoal in Malaysia
- Simple Technologies for Charcoal Making, FAO Forestry Paper 41, 1987
- Making Charcoal From Chopstick Bamboo, Lampang, Thailand
- Thailand: Charcoal Burners in Trang Town
- The Zambia charcoal utilisation programmeStockholm Environment Institute
- English Charcoal
- Lakeland Coppice, UK, How Our Charcoal is Made
- Continuous Carbonization System CCS_INTT Chris Adam, Appropriate Technologist and Designer, Germany January 17, 2005, Revised April 5, 2006
- Biocarbons (Charcoal) Flash Carbonization of Biomass, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Mike Antal
- Charcoal from Wet Carbonaceous Material, Hawaii Natural Energy Institute, Mike Antal
- Torrefied Wood Transnational Technologies
- Dynamotive Technologies
- Activated Carbon Processing,pdf USDA
- Biomass to Hydrogen Reforming Project, EPRIDA, Dan Day
- Production of Granulated Activated Carbon from Select Agricultural Wastes, USDA, ARS
- Preparation and Characterization of Activated Carbon from Pine Wastes, Portugal
- Chemical Methods of Water Treatment: 2.3 Charcoal and activated carbon adsorption World Health Organization, Water Sanitation and Health
- Drinking Water in Developing CountriesAshok GadgilLawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Environmental Technologies Division
- What is Activated Carbon and Why is it used in Filters? How stuff works
- Household Water Treatment Webliography Environmental Health Project (EHP)
- Water and Sanitation Portal MIT
- Water, Sanitation and Health (WSH) World Health Organization
- Drinking Water in Developing Countries Information and Organizations
- Carbon Monoxide from Cookstoves in Developing Countries, Zhang et. al.Berkeley
- Inventory of Wood Used in Charcoal Making in Zambia, WWF
- Emissions of Air Toxics from a Simulated Charcoal Kiln Equipped with an Afterburner US EPA 2001
- Simple Technologies for Charcoal Making, FAO Forestry Paper 41