Diacarbon Biochar Field Trial, Peace River, British Columbia

Diacarbon and BC Hydro are conducting a field trial examining the effect of biochar on barley growth. They are measuring growth, soil temperature, and nutrient levels.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) authorized this first of its kind testing in BC following Diacarbon’s lab results that showed that biochar improves water retention, root development, and fresh yields of barley using soils from the Peace River Region.
This field test covers 1200 square meters of the Peace River Region in seven randomized blocks with four biochar rates and a control. This test will not be irrigated.
For further information: http://www.diacarbon.com/diacarbon-establishes-bcs-first-biochar-field-t...
Project Contacts
Diacarbon Energy Inc.
Alka Mandher
Corporate Communications and Marketing Manager
T: 604.291.0001
E: alka@diacarbon.com
BC Hydro
David Conway
Community Relations Manager, Site C Clean Energy Project
T: 250.561.4849
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