Agricultural Applications for Biomass Pyrolysis
Jon Nilsson, Carbon Char Group, NJ, Presentation to UN, November 2008

Agricultural ApplicationsAgricultural Applications

Soil Scientist, Jon Nilsson of the Carbon Char Group presented Agricultural

Applications for Biomass Pyrolysis at the UN Commission on Sustainable Development Partnerships Fair earlier this year. This was part of the Partnership in New Technologies for Small Island Developing States. The powerpoint of this presentation is available here.


Examples of Soil Improvement at EPRIDA
Doug Clayton, April 2007


Click on photo for full view

I took the pictures when I visited Danny Day at Eprida last month.

Time to Master the Carbon Cycle
Erich J. Knight, January 16, 2007

Man has been controlling the carbon cycle , and there for the weather, since the invention of agriculture, all be it was as unintentional, as our current airliner contrails are in affecting global dimming. This unintentional warm stability in climate has over 10,000 years, allowed us to develop to the point that now we know what we did and that now we are over doing it.

The prehistoric and historic records gives a logical thrust for soil carbon sequestration.
I wonder what the soil biome carbon concentration was REALLY like before the cutting and burning of the world's virgin forest, my guess is that now we see a severely diminished community, and that only very recent Ag practices like no-till and reforestation have started to help rebuild it. It makes implementing Terra Preta soil technology like an act of penitence, a returning of the misplaced carbon.

Distributed Hydrogen Production with Profitable Carbon Sequestration: A Novel Integrated Sustainable System for Clean
Fossil Fuel Emissions and a Bridge to the New Hydrogen Economy and Global Socio-Economic Stability
Danny M. Day, Eprida, Inc., 6300 Powers Ferry, Suite 307, Atlanta, Georgia
danny.day@eprida.com, 404-228-8687
Robert J. Evans, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Co
James W. Lee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN

Introduction and Abstract


Conserve or Invest? What We Earn from Carbon Utilization
Danny Day, Eprida / University of Georgia Bioconversion Center, Presentation to National Association of Conservation Districts, February 9, 2005

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Soil erosion, energy scarcity, excess greenhouse gas all answered through regenerative carbon management
Paul Hepperly, The New Farm, Rodale Institute, January 12, 2006

Compost is great, but new bio-based process yields hydrogen and super-stable carbon as charcoal soil booster.

Dr. Paul's Research Perspectives
Soil erosion, energy scarcity, excess greenhouse gas
all answered through regenerative carbon management
Compost is great, but new bio-based process yields hydrogen and super-stable carbon as charcoal soil booster.

By Paul Hepperly

editors' NOTE:

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