Acacia mangium

Charcoal production for carbon sequestration (1.1 mb pdf)
Gustan Pari, Djeni Hendra, Dadang Setiawan, Mahpudin Saepuloh, Salim Soleh, Mad Ali (Forest Products Technology Research and Development Center) and Kiyoshi Miyakuni, Nobuo Ishibashi(Japan International Cooperation Agency) April 2004
Demonstration Study on Carbon Fixing Forest Management in Indonesia


Nitrogen Fixation in Acacias
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Potential of carbon sequestration by carbonizing wood residue from industrial tree plantation as a Clean Development Mechanism project in the Kyoto Mechanism
Okimori,Y.Takahashi,F. Ogawa,M. (KANSO),Yamanaka,T.(Kansai Electric Power), Energy with Agricultural Carbon Utilization Symposium, Georgia 2004

1. Effective sequestration of CO2 in atmosphere and its inactivation
2. Carbon sequestration project by forestation and charcoal use
3. Charcoal properties
4. Charcoal properties: porous structure


Potential of carbon sequestration by carbonizing wood residue from industrial tree plantation as a Clean Development Mechanism project in the Kyoto Mechanism
Okimori,Y.Takahashi,F. Ogawa,M. (KANSO) Yamanaka,T.(Kansai Electric Power) U of Georgia Presentation 2004

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