Oliver Enterprises: Carbonized Rice Husk

Tom Miles

Oliver Enterprises: Carbonized Rice Husk
Oliver Enterprises, Philippines
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Oliver Enterprises
Bakal II Talavera,
Nueva Ecija,
Tel No. +63 044 456 5001 and +63 044 456 0508
Cel No. +63 917 566 2249
Email: oliverricemill@yahoo.com

Why Use CRH? What are the benefits?

Owing to its black color, CRH artificially prolongs the duration of sunlight, which increases the soil and water temperature. It is porous and bulky and has the ability to replenish air in the soil. I contains Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and other micro nutrients vital to growing crops. Because it is also sterilized, it is pathogen-free. It has many uses raging from agricultural to industrial purposes.

Uses Of CRH

1. As Organic Fertilizer - When mixed with other bioorganic materials. CRH makes a good source of organic fertilizer. In rice production, incorporating 10 - 15 bags (10 kg/bag) of CRH with chicken manure into the seedbed soil makes pulling of seedlings easier, thereby preventing the cutting of roots and ensure healthy crop growth when transplanted.

2. As Soil Conditioner - It replenishes the nutrients and other microelements lost in the soil due to continuous use of commercial fertilizer in large amounts. Hence, the soil becomes more friable, which adds vigor to crops.

3. As Base Material for making microbial inoculants (MI) - when 30 - 50% of this is mixed with other MIs, it becomes more useful. Naturally, it is a habitat for beneficial microorganisms that facilitate composting of bioorganic fertilizers from kitchen waste, dried branches and leaves of trees, rice straw, and other biodegradable wastes.

4. As Pest Control Agent - Owing to its natural black color, it retains the heat from the sun. CRH also contains contains silica that irritates the golden kuhol. When applied as basal fertlizer after final leveling, snails are forced to come out, making handpicking of these faster and easier.

Applications of CRH

1. Apply CRH 20-50% to garden soil (volume percentage)

2. Apply CRH vegetable, fruit, lawn, gardening plant. Reduced used of agro synthetic chemicals.

3. Apply CRH 200-300 kg per 10 a ( 200 - 300 bags per ha).

4. Apply CRH to ricefields for the supplement of other micronutrients needed by the plants/crops

5. Apply CRH 100g to domestic animals to increase milk production.

6. Mix CRH as feed additive for the reduction of foul odor (waste smell) and shortening of compost materials.

7. CRH is good remedy of soil acidity (pH of CRH is 8~9).
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