small kiln/retort on my farm in Ahualoa, Hawaii

Erin Rasmussen

Ben Discoe, April 2010, update August,2010

I built a small kiln/retort on my farm in Ahualoa, Hawaii. Description, photos and observations from my first trial run at on my blog here:

Summary: it's a hybrid of the two-barrel and twin-oaks approaches, aiming for higher volume than the two-barrel and lower cost/complexity than the twin-oaks. My approach needs tuning, but it seems promising.


Results were promising, but need tuning. I learned a lot from this trial run. Some indications:

  • 1. The kiln fire needs to be strong and hot and heat up fast. My kiln burned moderately, for a long time, so it didnSports News | adidas artillery mid torsion black and green pants "Miami Nights" Release Dare , Adefra