
Russian and Ukrainian Manufacturers of Charcoal, Meeting March 14, 2007, St. Peterburg
Dr. Yury Yudkevich, main technologist "Bioenergy LLC"


Russian and Ukrainian manufacturers of charcoal have decided to organize a meeting. This meeting will take place in Petersburg on March, 14. They plan 1. to create association charcoalinger. 2. To develop the common strategy of sales of coal. 3. To study opportunities of a collective output on the foreign markets. Participation of wholesale consumers of charcoal from Europe and others is desirable.
I address to everyone who will show interes on behalf of organizers of a meeting. Our meeting is open for you. The translator from the English language and on the English language will work at a meeting. Organizers will help to order hotel. The meeting will take place as a part of the 7 international ecological forums.


Black Carbon from Rice Residues as Soil Amendment and for Carbon Sequestration
Stephan M. Haefele 1, J.K. Ladha 1, and Yothin Konboon 2.
(1) International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, 4031 Laguna, Philippines, (2) Ubon Rice Research Center, Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand
18th World Congress of Soil Science, July 9-15, 2006 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Black Carbon from Rice Residues as Soil Amendment and for Carbon Sequestration
Haefele, SM, Konboon, Y, Knoblauch, C, Koyama, S, Gummert, M, Ladha, JK
Cornell University Poster Presented to International Rice Research Institute, September 14 2006

On highly weathered soils in tropical and subtropical climates, maintenance of soil organic matter is essential to sustain system productivity and avoid rapid soil degradation. But climatic conditions as well as soil characteristics favor the rapid decomposition of organic matter. However, several recent studies indicated that black carbon, the product of incomplete combustion of organic material, could combine characteristics highly beneficial for soil nutrient dynamics with high stability against chemical and microbial breakdown.


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